REVISIONS LIST FOR PARODIA ------------------------- v6.104 - 25 JAN 2005 ------------------------- Bug Fix: * Vacancy edit form couldn't be submitted when multisite/multilanguage turned on. Moved language select form so it was not within the vacancy edit form. ------------------------- v6.103 - 25 NOV 2004 ------------------------- Bug Fix: * datCutOff was unspecified on agencyprofile.asp (this handles removing view jobs link where no current jobs are in database) * matching code replaced on search.asp for consistency ------------------------- v6.102 - 03 NOV 2004 ------------------------- Improvements: * Banner display front end code pre-installed ------------------------- v6.101 - 01 NOV 2004 ------------------------- Improvements: * Candidate can hide identifying details from recruiters/employers/advertisers * Recruiter login security strengthened against injection attacks ------------------------- v6.100 - 30 SEP 2004 ------------------------- Improvements: * Subject line for emails added to config settings, mailsubjectdefault. * Salary range filter selection added to power search. * Candidate last updated is changed when they now login or perform certain actions. * Backend scripts have tighter naming conventions. * Client agency banner management system. * Improved Backend Search for Candidates (not just Resumes) Bug Fixes: * Pagefootlinks now hides display of next or previous text if rec count doesn't call for it * Lang strings for backend client agency lookup * Client agency update page checking for incorrect uploaded filetypes ------------------------- v6.006 - 06 SEP 2004 ------------------------- Improvements: * Backend oneagencyjobs.asp becomes deleteagencyjobs.asp is reformatted and missing text lang stringed, function to select all records. * Login to client agency account from backend client list. * Job stats display tidied up with new coloured bar images and all pages lang stringed. * New page for client agency search statistics. Detailed view shows which consultant performed search and which resume they viewed. Bug Fixes: * Backend stat pages for full, general and keywords all now language stringed * Broken lang strings on y_modify_client.asp for featured link to value * Candidate checks if they need a work permit or not * Agency logo image display on viewjob.asp vacancy record page ------------------------- v6.005 - 24 AUG 2004 ------------------------- Bug Fixes: * Fixed bug on CV search in backend, now searches correctly on identifier * Job Count on front end was incorrect when switched to 'dont expire agencies' mode. Searched for jobs where VAC_Live <>'d' rather than VAC_Live='y' ------------------------- v6.004 - 12 AUG 2004 ------------------------- Improvements: * x_requestcv.asp - response.end added on file stream to ensure downloading files come through correctly. * Code cleanup with stricter variable naming conventions using numsafe and sqlsafe where needed. * Errorchecklength becomes CheckStrLength and strErrorText or strError becomes strErrorMsg. * Better code spacing and developer comments. * Tabindexes on some form input scripts and field lengths tidied up. * Alt text added to featured employer link logos. * CSV config settings with trailing spaces before or after the comma delimiter fixed. * Categories filter dropdown added to thirdparty vacancies listing. * New lang strings for alt and title text on search results images, hotjobs, agency profile and view apply. * Contact form added to frontend * Candidates set whether or not they require work permit on cv record Bug Fixes: * various text that wasn't language stringed * y_modify_currency.asp and y_update_currency.asp not tagged as backend scripts * x_clientprofile.asp and x_clientprofile_process.asp the country was not being updated in the db causing tax rate conflicts on account page. * viewjob_process.asp was firing error if an anonymous job seeker tried applying through the system as it was checking on max applications per period * y_modify_client.asp some text not language stringed and agency logo fixed display same on x_clientprofile.asp * y_cvclean_process.asp various settings not being compiled from application variables. ------------------------- v6.003 - 21 JUN 2004 ------------------------- Improvements: * Created maxcandidatejobapps config settings to limit the number of applications a candidate can make per x number of days. ------------------------- v6.002 - 10 JUN 2004 ------------------------- Bug Fixes: * MailAgent modified to ensure jobs prior to "datelastrun" aren't included in results * cand_forgotpassword.asp page added (for candidates to request resend of password) * renamed submit button on x_vacbulkhandler.asp which gave error when deleting vacancy Improvements: * New page (a.asp) added to make login URL shorter in MailAgent mails (prevents text wrapping) * MailAgent exe modified to enable timelimit to be specified between each mail * DisplayDateFormat added to config settings. FriendlyDate function modified so date format display is now switchable * CV Search results and requestcv view now without popup window, calls on itself and opens in new displays filetype icon for uploaded CVs. * cand_default.asp modified to show how many times each CV has been viewed * added link for candidate to register to sign in box in skin (code in buildpage.asp) ------------------------- v6.001 - 25 MAY 2004 ------------------------- Bug Fixes: * CV Cleaning System activated, candidates lastupdated field now updated everytime they do something while logged into the site * Config setting added to turn on/off signup as an agency (without ecommerce) * accounts page hidden in thirdparty where ecommerce is turned off. * y_modify_client.asp modified so submission does not give "date not valid" error when ExpireAgencies config setting is turned off (hence no date shown). ------------------------- v6.000 - 21 MAY 2004 ------------------------- Improvements: * system is now "language stringed" so text changes to the software can be made in the backend. * added support multiple languages and/or sites on different domains * candidates can now have multiple CVs and save searches * content in CVs which are uploaded is now searchable by the CV search system * backend config tools added for editing menus etc * ecommerce functionality improved with client agency packages ------------------------- v5.201 - 03 NOV 2003 ------------------------- Improvements: * Created searchlocationscols config setting to replace value previously set in locations.asp ------------------------- v5.200 - 01 OCT 2003 ------------------------- Improvements: * Incorporated package ordering using a credit card ------------------------- v5.101 - 12 MAR 2003 ------------------------- Improvements: * added highlighting of keyword matches in search results Bug Fixes: * showing of locations switching on and off wasn't working properly * fixed bug whereby graphs showing relevance of search results always showed zero Notes: A customer who purchased Parodia experienced difficulties installing on a UK server, this was later encountered by Cactusoft on another website. The error was a smalldatetime conversion error. It was fixed by changing the LCID to 2057 (for UK) and disabling the ReverseFormatYear function (just pass the input straight back again as the function result. ------------------------- v5.1 - 24 FEB 2003 ------------------------- Improvements: * Split job search on front end into Short Search and Power Search * Many parameters of Power Search can be configured from backend ("site settings") * Added ability for blind posting (ie the agency/company details can be hidden from a posting) * Candidates can now select whether to hide their CV from either agencies or employers or both (or neither) * Candidates must confirm their CV registration by clicking on a link sent via email to them (avoids allegations of spamming). Such confirmation is also required upon changing email address ------------------------- v5.0 - 28 JAN 2003 Complete overhaul of Parodia 4.5 ------------------------- Improvements: * Configuration is now largely databased and updateable from the backend admin system. Site operators can now update dozens of settings without having to FTP/edit asp files. * CV search details in thirdparty are now held on a cookie rather than as a session so they won't time out. * Support for featured advertiser logos added to front end, and new tag added to skin for these. * Candidates CV attachments can now be viewed by recruiters direct via HTTP rather than having to request to be emailed a copy. * Thirdparty now selects a default user after login, rather than the user logging in and then having to select a recruiter from a drop down (recruiters can still be switched using this dropdown) ------------------------- v5.0 beta - 2 Jan 2002 -------------------------