These are valuable forums and tools to expand your business contacts, but networking isn't just about connecting with strangers. Nothing replaces the power of persontoperson contact of someone actually experiencing your business and brand through an individual oneonone connection with you.
In considering the people I know who are extremely well connected, I realise they all have one thing in common: they nurture and build their network every day. They plan those activities which will generate new network contacts while strengthening relationships with the members of their existing network.
5 ways to GIVE to your network
Here are 5 ideas to get your started on nurturing your network:
Connecting people
One of the most valuable things you can do for members of your network is to connect members with each other. Consider which connections between members of your network would be mutually valuable: amazing things can happen.
Share information
When you read an article you think would be interesting to a member of your network, mail a copy to them they’ll really appreciate the valuable information and thoughtfulness that come with it. When you visit a web site, think about your network members who could do their jobs better from knowing about that site
then send a link. Many sites have ‘mail this to a friend' buttons to make it as simple as two clicks and a brief form. Sharing relevant sites is a valuable service you can
provide to friends and colleagues.
Bring along a friend
If you're attending a conference, networking meeting, training course or any other type of event, invite members of your network to attend with you. You'll have an opportunity to spend time with them and again, they'll appreciate the thought.
Share leads
When you stumble on a job lead that isn't quite right for you, consider who in your network would love it. Share the job details along with valueadded comments on what you know about the opportunity and ideas on how they might win the tender or contract.
Remember special occasions
Make note of special days (birthdays, anniversaries, the day friends start new jobs or complete an important commission) and acknowledge these important events by sending a note, a card, or an ecard.
But remember to be focused and purposeful in your connections – you’ve limited time and resources so be clear about where you spend your time developing your network. Make sure you a member of networks that not only support your professional development but also give you the opportunity to put you in contact with potential clients from your target market. And if you can’t find a network that is relevant to you, start your own!
So the investment in networking is paying off, your order book is full, you’re enjoying connecting with others and you’ve the clients you’ve always dreamt of.
However beware! Don’t get too busy that you forget to spend a moment or two to thank those who helped you along the way. Perhaps a member of your network helped you proof read a proposal for a client – why not drop them a note and a small gift of appreciation? You’ll be sure they will remember you and be prepared to support you in the future if they know you recognised their hard work and time in helping you this time.
Building your support network can and should be fun! It can help you create solutions that are better than if you had tackled the challenge on your own and ultimately it will lead to greater professional success.
Perfect your personal introduction – how do you answer the question ‘so what do you do?’ – make sure it’s engaging, compelling and makes a lasting and impactful statement when you meet people
Ensure you always have your business card with you you never know when you may need it. But don’t go to networking meetings with the objective of passing out as many of your ‘calling cards as you can – it’s not a competition. Deeper more significant conversations rather than many superficial ones are much more effective.
Send thankyou notes to people who have helped you. Keep in touch with them and let them know how things progress or the outcome of the leads they give you. Remember the world is very small – always be courteous and make sure that you leave a good and lasting impression.
And remember the golden rule of networking: GIVE!