The Secret To Winning Your Next Sales Pitch |
Andrew Sobel, Andrew Sobel Advisors
Jan 13, 2015 |
Clients hate sales pitches. You probably do, too. How do you like to sit still while someone presents PowerPoint slides to you?
Clients don’t like boring pitches, but they love to learn. So turn your next sales presentation into a collaborative, value-added session for the client. Role model what it would be like to actually work with you and your organization.
A sales pitch that becomes a working session should be simultaneously educational, entertaining, engaging, and value-added.
If you’ve positioned your proposal properly, and prepared well for the actual pitch or presentation, you’ll be in great shape to do a standout job at what often is the final step in the sales process.
Remember to do these six things.
- First, reset the agenda once more at the start of your session. Make sure you understand what they are most interested in hearing about. Just ask, “Per your suggestion, we had planned to cover the following five points. What would you like us to emphasize as we go through our presentation?
- Second, focus the discussion mostly on their business, not your business. They know who you are, and if they want more information about certain capabilities, they’ll ask. So keep the material about you to a minimum. The majority of your content should focus on their issues, their challenges, and how you can help them.
- Third, pace the presentation and make it engaging. Have a great conversation—don’t talk at your client. Every four or five minutes, pause. Ask if there are any questions. Check for understanding. Ask a question yourself to draw them out—for example, “Is this an approach you’ve tried before? What worked well? What didn’t work?” Ideally, you’ll equally share the air time and talk about the same amount of time.
- Fourth, use your media effectively. Don’t use a densely-written document as your presentation—I’ve seen people put up PowerPoint slides that had hundreds of words on them and large tables full of data. If you use slides at all, they should be spare and emphasize graphics, photographs, and illustrations to make your points. Consider using wall charts, videos, placemats, and other alternative means to tell your story.
- Fifth, make it entertaining and memorable. Use humor. Tell relevant stories about work you’ve done with similar clients. Push their thinking. If you’re bland and boring they won’t remember you. You need to stand out.
- Sixth, role-model what it’s like to work with you. If it’s your firm making the pitch, bring key members of the delivery team who will actually do the work. Make sure that everyone has a role, and that it’s not just the senior people who talk—give some air time to your mid-level people. Clients often cite capabilities and industry experience as key factors in awarding a contract, but also the quality of the team and chemistry with them.
I rarely compete with other firms for a specific piece of work, but a few years ago I did find myself in that position. Instead of making a presentation to the client, I ran the two hour session as though it were a workshop with a group of their executives. For example, I handed out a one-page case study about a difficult client relationship dilemma, one that I told them I might use in a workshop with their professionals. We discussed it, just like we would in the actual program. I told them: This is how I’ll interact with your people—I want you to experience it here. Needless to say, I won the project.
Andrew Sobel helps companies and individuals build clients for life. He is the most widely published author in the world on the topic of business relationships, and his bestselling books include Power Questions, All for One, Making Rain, and Clients for Life. His clients include many of the world's leading companies such as Citigroup, Hess, Ernst & Young, Booz Allen Hamilton, Cognizant, Deloitte, Experian, Lloyds Banking Group, Bain & Company, and many others.
Andrew's articles and work have appeared in publications such as the New York Times, USA Today, strategy+business, and the Harvard Business Review. He spent 15 years at Gemini Consulting where he was a Senior Vice President and Country Chief Executive Officer, and for the last 15 years he has led his own consulting firm, Andrew Sobel Advisors.
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